fake 1944 steel penny » funny safety powerpoint presentations

funny safety powerpoint presentations

Photocopier during operation -Headache 2. How do you practice making people smile? But regardless of the work your employees perform, their physical safety should never be out on a limb. Road safety is everyone's responsibility. The short clip of the show below is a spoof on workplace first aid training. Besides, you can also take advantage of the smart art given in the template and design a framework for policies and procedures to make safety a top priority. Games have been regularly shown to increase knowledge recall and engagement, making your safety briefing that much more effective! Business operations come with multiple risks. How to stay safe when working on an elevated work platform. .navigation1 {FONT-SIZE: 12px; COLOR: #FFFFFF; FONT-FAMILY: helvetica, arial;}. accident at work then help may be at hand. Get your team up and attem with a game of Safety Charades! 1.2 Winter fatigue and its implications. Two We know you're busy -- the full film is a whopping 23 minutes long -- and in the spirit of taking shortcuts in the workplace, we are providing you with a condensed version (an unmoving still of the title track with the story of "Three Finger Joe" playing in the background). Let us show you how to connect the dots between human error reduction and fewer incidents, better engagement and stronger support for safety. This has a lot About 3,787 people died the same night, and further 8,000 people passed away as a result of the exposure subsequently. Funny warnings It discusses different forms of office safety & health hazards along with proper ergonomics and emergency action plans. So grab it right away! The other one thought his partner had hit an underground Can't reach? Be Careful! Download and use it multiple times. The one who was closest would get the job. All Rights Reserved. If you dont know any stories first hand, take a look at Patch Adams (famously known as the clown-like doctor in the movie of the same name portrayed by Robin Williams). 'The balcony.'. Perfect for quick briefings, choose a Safety Moment of the Day to highlight the importance of a particular topic or technique. They are yours to customize any way you would like! PS: You can also help your organization avoid potential losses from unpredictable hazards by exploring our top 20 crisis and disaster management templates. EHS Managers, Human Resource Managers, Instructional Designers, or other industry professionals are free to take what they may need for a successful safety training session. From teachers who knew exactly how to keep their pupils' attention to using Justin Bieber for a math problem and an odd presentation on bathing a cat, these people definitely had some good presentation ideas. The last clip, in particular, is a stark warning about the importance of always wearing proper protective equipment. Sketch out a performance evaluation blueprint with these well-crafted templates. Completely Researched Decks, Documents, Slide Bundles, etc), which included 24427 slides in total in the past 24 hours. People enjoy games. According to the Health and Safety Council News, the film's But given all the blood spatter, we had to draw the not-safe-for-work line somewhere pun absolutely intended on that. Hence, the lack of seriousness from the audience is definitely something worth anticipating. From ensuring EHS compliance(in a not-so-assured world)and risk management to employee training and streamlining operations to preparing EHS audit checklists you have a big job to do. If youre in need of other training content for your LMS, we can offer you any of our 170 courses to, https://wave.safetysoft.com/safety-powerpoints. Who doesnt love a little fancy affair, especially where there are a ton of graphics to play around with? Its nice to get a laugh (and once you make them laugh youll be greedy for more), but the laugh is only meant to help sustain your training, so you need to know your limits. Do octopuses have a beak? Contact us to discuss your environment, health, safety and sustainability needs today. Of course, more is always better. Therefore, practice makes perfect, and over the years, you realize theyre not as bad as many perceive them to be. These safety powerpoints were professionally designed and developed but you can feel free to customize them any way you want. programmes. Please, Get in touch with your inner creative with our downloadable resources. This can highlight safety issues, dangerous hazards, or even a quick topic like ladder safety. Introduction This orientation is concerned with SAFETY IN THE OILFIELD, not the mechanical aspects of oilfield work. A Complete Guide to Diversity & Inclusion Training for Corporate Employees With Training Material Included. 2 Bonus: Safety Topics Inspired By The Latest Safety Events. It's great for classroom presentations. Finally, there is a correlation between happy staff, higher productivity and employee engagement, meaning the benefits of using humor at work reach far beyond your safety talks: they create a happy workforce. Accelerate the resumption of normal operations by employing this emergency response plan template. 2 - The Idea of the "Large Ripple" - Behavioral Safety Meeting. However, they do have a responsibility to follow the government rules and regulations. 12 firefighters and 3 civilians were killed, a majority of them were trying to bring the flare under control.